Ecstatic Yoga for Womxn
March 16th - April 13th, 2025
Every Sunday in Kreuzberg: 16:00 - 17:30

Shake off those layers of shame that have been keeping you stuck and small - and reconnect to your deepest pleasure.
Do less. Feel more.
You will reawaken your senses as you release any numbness or stiffness with suuuper slow, luscious hip moves.
Transformation through joy.
A sassy twerking warrior dance will fire up your heart and free you from any limiting bullshit stories you have been told about yourself: F*ck that shit!
Nourish & nurture the new.
Mmmh, soak in this empowering sense of beauty & belonging as you melt the last layers of resistance with gentle stretching and loving, non-sexual self-touch
Joy sits in your hips. Let's free it.
What's different about ecstatic yoga?
Ecstatic yoga is the untamed version of yoga: While we honor the safety and structure of the classical yoga styles, we are adding a little extra juice: Ecstatic yoga gives room for soft, circular, and luscious movements centered around the hips.
Liberation on all levels:
The increased engagement & mobility in the hip joints will strengthen your pelvic floor while releasing stuck tension in pelvis, thighs, and lower back. You become both: stronger and softer, as you melt layers of resistance rooted in shame, guilt, and fear. With your body, you create the internal and external space for the uninhibited expression of pleasure & joy.
Less pressure. More pleasure.
Ecstatic yoga is for you, if you desire to..
reconnect to your body, release numbness and excess tension - and come to feel vibrantly alive again
strengthen your butt, belly & thigh muscles all the while connecting to the power that lies within your softness
unleash suppressed facets of your being and dare to take up space with ALL of who you are
Feel your innate power emerging, when there is no pressure or expectation as to who or what you should be - and instead you get to fully enjoy who you truly are.
| Beginners and experienced yogis are both more than welcome.

Hi! I'm Melanie -
Empowerment Coach, Vinyasa Yoga Teacher and former contemporary dancer.
After living with the fear of being "too much" for decades, I have eventually had enough of feeling so small: My trainings in empowerment coaching, non-violent communication, and vinyasa yoga have empowered me to release many layers of shame and unworthiness, and find the courage to do what truly matters to me:
My mission is to empower womxn to take up more space and live life the way they want: Unshamed. Untamed.
Yoga is not about the way it looks. Yoga is about the way it FEELZ.
Wearing mesh is a welcome option, but not mandatory. A comfy ol' pair of loose sweatpants or shorts will perfectly do, as well. You are going to shake your butt & legs - and it just feels more empowering and fun (!) when the flesh is free to jiggle.
Registration & updates:
Feel free to join my brand new Telegram group by clicking on this invite link - or point your phone camera at this QR code: